What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

General Marketing

In today’s world, marketing your practice or business to your audience can be tricky. You want to be noticed, but you don’t want to be a nuisance to the people you’re looking to get the attention of. There are a variety of methods that your practice can employ when trying to get noticed on the internet, but some are arguably better than others. One of the most effective methods to build an audience is content marketing. Content marketing is an excellent balance when it comes to marketing because it allows your audience to find you, rather than you seeking them out yourself!

What Is Content Marketing?

According to Dictionary.com, content marketing can be defined as “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.” To put it simply, content marketing is creating content for others to see in the hopes that they also notice your brand.

Content marketing isn’t just a singular endeavor, as it encompasses a wide variety of strategies, types of content, and levels of effectiveness, depending on your intended response. Blogs, social media posts, videos, websites, and emails all fall under the umbrella of content marketing and oftentimes are used in combination with one another to create an integrated marketing campaign. Having an integrated marketing campaign is essential because relying on a single form of content or “putting all your eggs into one basket”, is an all-or-nothing approach that doesn’t typically work as well as “diversifying your portfolio”.

Inbound vs. Outbound

Traditionally, companies have relied on the outbound marketing methods of cold calling, door-to-door sales, and other techniques that involve contacting someone who didn’t ask to be contacted. Although this can generate some leads and customers, it’s now frowned upon by the industry as being closer to harassment than it is marketing. In the counseling and therapy industries, an outbound approach can yield little to no results and leaves a bad taste in the mouths of potential clients. 

So, what other option is there? Inbound marketing! Just as it sounds, inbound marketing is a method that acts in an inverse fashion than outbound marketing by having potential clients contact you, rather than you reaching out first. By providing exceptional content for users to take advantage of as a resource or learning tool, you’re able to leverage that relationship and convince users that you’re a trusted source for assistance. For example, one of the most common ways to get users to visit your website is by posting monthly blogs on hot topics in the industry. If your practice is constantly posting about the benefits of therapy with trusted references, it gives the impression that you and your company are staying up to date on industry trends and care about making a difference for your clients.

The idea of using an inbound approach is backed by the inherent trust that is created by offering something of value to a potential client before asking anything of them. With an outbound approach, you typically have already inconvenienced someone by interrupting their routine, but you also further that inconvenience by putting them on the spot with a sales pitch or demonstration. With an inbound approach, you have simply waited for that person to contact you after becoming familiar with your brand and informed them about how you can assist them. Not only do these conversations go much smoother, but they also tend to have a much higher success rate than a cold call approach!

Using an inbound approach by marketing relevant content is pivotal for a practice to succeed in today’s competitive market. This strategy can be used by any business and is highly effective. If you create content that is interesting enough to read, you’ll be able to form an audience that identifies with your messaging. If you would like to learn more about content marketing, or if you’re interested in receiving professional help with implementing this strategy for your practice, contact the team at Theory About That for assistance!


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