Website Manager & Social Scheduler

Julie Serra

Specializes In...
Making sure nothing falls through the cracks for your online presence

Julie has a background in hospitality management but has always had a passion for empowering and uplifting people by crafting and expressing creativity through words. This became her motivation to expand her knowledge in social media management and marketing. With a heart for helping others and spreading positivity, Julie thrives on being a source of light in the industry. Her commitment is to create engaging content, build authentic connections, and help guide online communities toward purpose-driven and intentional relationships. When she's not immersed in her work, you'll find her in the kitchen cooking, or pursuing her other hobbies: going to the beach, hiking, kayaking, and enjoying quality time with her two dogs. Julie and her boyfriend embrace a nomadic lifestyle, living full-time on the road, where each new adventure fuels her inspiration.

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